6 Tips To Help You Choose A Good First Pet For The Family

A loving pet can become a source of happiness and also help your children learn valuable life lessons. Children can learn to take responsibility as well as the secrets of developing relationships. However, keeping your child's developmental stage in mind while choosing a pet for your family is important. 

In this blog, we will share 6 tips that will help you choose the first pet for your family. 

1. Create a Schedule and Share Responsibilities

Creating a schedule is important before bringing home a new pet. Keep in mind the working hours of your family when delegating responsibilities. Before your pet's arrival, all family members should know their tasks because a little carelessness can make your pet unhappy. Following a schedule will help your child understand the importance of responsibility. 

2. Start With Small Animals 

If you are planning to buy a pet for the first time, it's best to get a small animal like rodents, fish, caged animals, or birds as these animals require less attention and care. If you’re in California and want a small dog breed that requires less attention, professionals at   https://californiapuppiesforsale.com/ can help you choose the perfect dog for your family. Choose your pet carefully, especially if your child will be its primary caregiver.  

The following are a few small pets that you can choose from. 


It’s easy to take care of them as they are caged. Your child can easily make a bed for them using a piece of cloth, and this bedding will be enough to absorb urine.


You can opt for a bird if your child can not interact daily due to his busy school routine.  

Guinea pigs

Guinea pigs can make your child happy as they are known to jump out of sheer happiness and excitement. They are friendly and require low maintenance. 


You don’t need a pool for goldfish. A little bowl or a small tank is enough. Goldfish requires low maintenance since you'll only need to clean the tank occasionally.

3. Ask Yourself Why You Are Getting a Pet

Asking yourself all the pertinent questions will prepare you well for the tasks ahead. Are you a young couple experimenting with the idea of having children? If yes, the pet you choose may be for the short term.

If you are a family who has finally got the dream house and has a yard and children willing to take on the responsibility of another pet, then you may need a pet for the long term. After this, ask yourself who is getting the pet. Your whole family might agree to share the responsibilities, but you still need a primary caretaker.

4. Make a list of Vocabulary Words

Make a plan to train your pet and choose words wisely. Set up a defined vocabulary and share it with all family members so everyone knows which command they should use with the pet to convey an idea. Avoid saying “no,” and choose proper commands like “don’t eat” if it tries to eat flowers in your garden or something detrimental to its health. This is how your pet will be able to understand the commands and act accordingly. 

5. Set Realistic expectations and Boundaries

You always have to be patient when you bring a new pet home. Some pets need time to adjust to a new environment, so you must educate your family that they may have to deal with an anxious pet for a couple of days. If you have children at home, you need to talk to them and teach them to lower their expectations. Once the new pet starts becoming playful, they can play with it. 

Setting clear boundaries is helpful for both the pet and the family members. If you don’t want your pet to enter the kitchen or a particular bedroom, make it clear to all of your family members.

6. Choose an Appropriate Age 

Your children’s age greatly influences their ability to care for a pet. Preschoolers can take care of basic tasks such as grooming their pets. But if your child is very young, don’t bring in dangerous animals and keep an eye on your child while they are playing. 

In elementary years, children learn and adapt new skills. You will be glad to see how quickly your child learns to take care of a pet. In no time, you will find them taking care of sleeping, bathing, washing, and even feeding their pets. But don’t stop keeping an eye on your child and pet any time soon. 

Choosing a pet for the family can be challenging, but following the tips we have mentioned in this blog will help you out a great deal. Don’t worry if you’re getting a pet for your family because children love pets and it will be a great opportunity for them to learn a sense of duty and responsibility. 

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