After a hard day’s ride or an evening of grazing or frolicking in the pasture, your horse deserves a good rubdown with all the works. You’re probably already on top of your horse’s grooming and coat-care hygiene. It's a fact of life when you’re a horse owner but there is always room to improve.
Your horse needs more than a wash and a groom in their daily routine, there are a handful of products you could be applying to their skin to improve their comfort and quality of life.
The great outdoors holds back for nobody, and it certainly won’t for your horse. Applying some of these skincare products to your horse will make them feel better, pampered, and ready to head back into practice when the day comes.
Check out these five must-have products below.
- Daily sunscreen
- Insect repellents
- Conditioning and moisturizing spray
- Oil cleansers
- Scented essential oils

Consider applying daily sunscreen
There is nothing better than taking your horse out for a ride out in the watery hours of the morning when the sun is just starting to creep up beyond the horizon. It isn’t too hot yet, and the rays feel warm and perfect on your skin. All feels good in the world.
However, just because the rays aren’t beating down on you now doesn’t mean that they won’t later, and it doesn't mean that they’re not affecting you or more importantly your horse.
If you didn’t already know horses can get sunburns just like the rest of us, pink and painful the lighter colored areas of your horse are more susceptible to them, so make sure to cover up that lovely pink, velvety nose with some sunscreen.
To cover larger areas of your horse you can just use a large flysheet, and save you some time by applying lotion all over your horse. But whenever you go out for a long while or let your horse graze in the day make sure to get those sensitive areas with some sunscreen. It will save you both a lot of pain.

Use insect repellents
There is nothing more pesky to a horse than a fly that just won’t quit it. There are already so many contraptions, fly masks and covers, to keep your horse bug free but sometimes these options alone just don’t cut it. Especially if you’re based in a wooded area.
So why not include some insect repellent in your horse’s skincare routine? That extra oomph can go a long way.
Some horses can even have allergic reactions to specific kinds of insect bites, that cause a lot of pain for them. So you should be taking precautions to limit the number of flies in your horse's area anyway like with manure and food management. The insect repellent is the last line of defense.
Fly bite reaction will likely show up on your horse’s belly first, so make sure to apply the ointment or repellent liberally there before your horse even comes into contact with the insects.

Try conditioning and moisturizing sprays for the skin
Another problem often tied to the sun, is that your horse’s skin can get dried out easily if they have too much exposure or they have sensitive skin that gets dry and itchy easily.
You probably lotion your skin already, and while you shouldn’t be using Johnson and Johnson’s on your horse, a conditioning and moisturizing spray can serve a similar purpose when it comes to keeping your horse’s skin clean and healthy.
One of these sprays like FaunaCare’s protect and condition spray can provide long-term coverage when used consistently in your skincare routine. Particularly for horses with skin sensitive to the elements.
All you have to do is spray your horse's most vulnerable areas down with these kinds of sprays when you’re in your routine, there is no pain, no fuss involved. It’s easy to apply and stays on for the day. Before you let your horse out to graze next time, make sure to put this on first.

Use an oil cleanser
What does an oil cleanser do for your horse you might be asking? Well, a lot, and you should be including it in your day-to-day grooming.
Oil cleanser is a great option to apply to horses that love getting dirty, those lovely individuals who come back to the barn or stable with their backs caked in the dirt that still stubbornly manages to persist even after you’ve hosed them down.
Oil cleanser can get rid of the layers of dirt that stick to your horse's coat even after you’ve washed a couple of times. So instead of just turning on the hose next time, apply an oil cleanser to your horse beforehand which will soften and loosen the dirt for easier removal.
These oil cleansers can come in different scents as well if your horse isn’t bothered by too strong a smell, so not only do they make your washing routine go by faster, they leave fresh and clean air to your horse before they’re stabled.

Try the occasional scented essential oil
The magic of scented essential oils cannot be understated. They can be applied aromatically or topically, and if you have a nervous or jittery horse it can help with their anxiety.
For aromatic use you should bring up the scented bottle of oil to their nostrils, there are so many different varieties so you won’t run out of choices, and see how your horse reacts. If they seem receptive to the scent you’re good, if their ears pin back then try another one.
And if you’re going to go with the topical route, which means you’ll be applying the oil through the skin then all you have to do is rub-down in your desired area.
These scented oils have many uses, usually as a way of calming your horse down. Lavender oil is the go-to for this method, it can even be used for dogs and children as well. Lemon oil and tea tree oil can also be used to sharpen focus on your horse.

You already take such good care of your horse, it’s a big responsibility to be in charge of an animal so large with so many, and often expensive, needs.
You want to make sure that they are at their highest comfort level, especially when they do so much for you in riding or competing. These products when applied to their skincare routine can add very much needed supplements that will not only improve their mood but yours as well.