Buying gifts for those you care about can sometimes be a struggle. But in the modern world it has become even more complex as nobody wants to make our pets feel left out during the holiday season. And if you aren’t a pet owner yourself it can be hard to know what to get an animal over the holiday season. Well not to worry! Today we have put together a list of twelve different ideas that we think any dog owner would be happy to receive this holiday season.

This article features a guide to buying gifts for dog of any size and their owners this holiday season
Dogs and Their Owners Are Actually Pretty Simple To Buy For
The Dog’s Will Be Overjoyed Just to Be Included
- Automatic Feeder
The top of the list today is an automatic food bowl. These can come in a variety of different styles but the best are the kind that release a preset amount of food at predetermined times of day. These make a great gift because not only do they diminish how often the recipient will have to go through the chore of feeding the dog every time they are hungry, they also free the owner's schedule up.
They don’t have to worry about running home to feed the dog right after work before they go out for the evening. Since these food bowls dispense food at the same time each day they can just set it to make sure the dog gets dinner whether they have had time to stop by their place or not.
- Slow Feeder Bowl
A slow feeder bowl is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. It’s a bowl that helps slow down the pace that the dog is able to devour their dinner. Now the nice part about this is that it prevents the dog from overeating. Just by eating slower they are able to feel more full from less food and as such are less likely to overeat to the point they get sick. While that is a problem more common in younger dogs and puppies, it is something more mature dogs struggle with from time to time. And even if they don’t overeat, a slow feeder bowl still helps them eat a more appropriate sized meal each day which is good for their overall health and weight.
- Filtered Water Bowl
This one is also pretty much exactly what it sounds like. And we know to a lot of people the idea of giving the dog filtered water seems over the top. But the healthier your dog's diet is, the less you are going to have to spend on veterinary bills over the course of the dog's life. And because of that, a filter water bowl can be a real quality of life adjustment for the dog.
However, it can also be a huge quality of life adjustment for the owner as well. It makes sure the dog has plenty of water throughout the week and even keeps the water moving so it doesn’t gather bacteria and diseases. And because of this, suddenly, the owner only has to fill their dog's water bowl once a week instead of a couple of times a day. Which makes each day just a little bit easier for them.

Unfortunately our dogs have to spend a lot of time laying on nothing cushier than carpet. A nice bed makes an excellent gift for the dog owner in your life this holiday season.
- Special Dog Bed
While things like an automatic feeder or water dish are really more of a gift for the owner for the dog, this next one is really a gift for the dog themselves. And that’s because a special bed for the dog is obviously not something the owner is going to be using. But we can tell you first hand that if you know somebody with a large dog they will also appreciate this gift. Dogs, especially large dogs, tend to develop problems in their hips and joints. And laying on the hard floor all day does nothing to diminish those issues.
Getting them a nice thick padded bed to sleep on can do wonders for their wellbeing (and it’ll also help keep them off the furniture since they’ll have their own place to lay). Not only will this make the dog feel better each day, over the long term it can do a lot to reduce vet visits and potential health problems so it’s really the gift that keeps on giving.

The best gifts for dog owners this holiday season are really the ones that automate the chores involved with being a pet owner. One small change everyday adds up to one enormous change over time.
- Grooming Products
When it comes to gifts for pets and their owners, you can never really go wrong with special grooming products. For dogs this can be anything from a nice set of nail clippers to a special comb that is designed to combat shedding. Think about what kind of dog your friends or family member has and try to think of the best grooming product for that particular dog. Dogs with long hair are going to be the worst about shedding so a nice brush or set of hair trimmers might make a good gift. And if they’re a short haired dog maybe a nice dog perfume or cologne would be a good gift.

Dogs like the attention they get when they are groomed by the owner they love. It makes them feel fancy.
- Toys
Dogs are a lot like little kids when it comes to buying them gifts so you can never go wrong with some new toys. And trust us, a dog owner will appreciate this because dogs feel the need to play with their toys until they have absolutely destroyed them. It’s always nice to have some backup toys on hand for when they have destroyed all their old ones.
There’s a million different options for toys to get a dog owner. I suppose the most obvious ones are things like tennis balls and frisbees to play fetch with. But in my opinion you can never go wrong with a rope chew toy. These are great for a couple reasons. First of all, you can still throw them and play fetch just like with a ball. But unlike a ball, you can also play tug of war with your dog . And I have literally never met a dog that doesn’t enjoy playing tug of war with a rope toy. They are a universally beloved toy in the dog community.
And finally, unlike a stuffed animal or frisbee, it is very hard for a dog to chew all the way through a thick piece of rope, and as such, rope toys tend to outlast all of the other toys a dog might have! Meaning the owner and the dog will get the most out of a rope toy than other more fragile toys.
- Automatic Toys
Let’s face it, in the modern world we spend a lot more time at work and on the go than we would like to. And as such we don’t always get to spend as much time with our pets as we would like. If someone you know has a dog that they don’t have the extra time to play with everyday, you could consider getting them an automatic dog toy. These come in a couple of different styles but in my opinion the one where the dog just has to drop the ball into the box, and then the automatic launcher shoots the ball for the dog to run and fetch it, is probably best because the dog can activate it whenever they want.
And trust us, the dog owner in your life will be much happier to have their dog or puppy at home playing with an automatic ball launcher than tearing up the couch or dragging garbage out all over the place. A well exercised dog is a well behaved and healthy dog. An automatic toy makes sure the dog has a constructive way to exercise each and every day. Even when their owner doesn’t have the time to exercise with them.

Lots of dog owners like to take their dogs on jogs and hikes. For active dogs like this, a set of first aid supplies is always a great gift for a dog owner during the holidays.
- First Aid Supplies
Most everybody keeps first aid supplies on hand for their family, but it’s also always a good idea to have some first aid supplies on hand for the pet as well. Some staple first aid supplies you could consider getting are bandages, cleansing or antibacterial sprays, braces, and cones. Although they aren’t the most glamorous present they can really go a long way in keeping a dog happy and healthy. And when dog owners do have the time to go on adventures with their dog, the last thing they want is a cut, scrape, or abrasion to ruin the fun.
- Special Dog Food
This is a trick I always fall back on when I don’t know what to get a person for the holidays. I’ll get them a fancy chocolate or some nice liquor. And while you can’t really get liquor for a dog, you can certainly get them some high quality food or special treats that can really brighten up their holiday season. So ask what kind of treats are their favorite or what kind of food they really like. You might not even have to break the bank to get them something they’ll absolutely love!

CBD and anti anxiety treats are great gifts for dog owners anytime of year, but especially during the holidays when dogs can get easily overwhelmed by all the new people and noise in their home.
- Special Treats
While you can’t get chocolate or alcohol for dogs, if you really don’t know what to get them, you can always fall back and get them some “special” treats that are filled with CBD or other anti- anxiety ingredients. These treats are obviously nice for dogs of any age, but an older dog that struggles with old bones and joints, will certainly appreciate a treat that is both delicious, as well as inflammation and pain reducing.
And they are good for dog’s of any age that get easily nervous or anxious. The holidays involve a lot more traffic and noise in their home than most dogs are used to. A delicious snack that also calms their nerves will make their holiday much less stressful.
- Dog Sweater
Not only can one of these sweaters genuinely make the dog more comfortable in a harsh climate, they are also pretty adorable. You don’t even have to get them a full on sweater if you are worried about them overheating. You can just get them a thin one made out of t-shirt material.

This is my mom’s new dog Sammi. Her sweater says it’s her birthday because this is from the day she turned one year old!
- Festive Collar
If you don’t want to go overboard with a sweater, there is also always the option of getting the dog a nice festive collar. And even if you aren’t looking for something that is holiday themed a nice collar, harness, muzzle, or leash can be a really nice addition to any dog owner's list of pet supplies.

A nice collar or set of identification tags can be a great gift for a dog owner this holiday season.
There you go! Just as we promised a list of twelve solid ideas to get the dog owner in your life this Christmas and holiday season. I’ve used, or seen used, everything on the list that I’ve recommended with an actual dog in the real world. And while I did spend some time explaining why a rope toy is a great choice, I feel it necessary to say that you should be careful playing tug of war with a dog. But otherwise, dogs seriously have an evolutionary instinct to play tug of war! So if you really don’t know what to get the dog owner in your life, I have never seen a dog that doesn’t like to play with a rope toy in my life.