Do you think your dog has mites? And what exactly is a mite? Are they different from fleas? And how do I get rid of them if my dog gets them. Not to worry, although mites are a common problem for dog owners, it’s not unusual for people not to know the specifics about a mites infestation until they have to deal with one.
And you’ve landed on the right webpage because today I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about canine mites and how to get rid of mites on your dog, including:
- How to identify mites (and how they differ from fleas)
- What you can do get rid of a mite infestation
- How to prevent a future mite infestation from happening

What Are Mites?
Do They Bite Humans
Mites are technically arthropods, they aren’t insects in the scientific definition of the word. They are actually a cousin of ticks, another popular type of pests that pet owners have to deal with. But for the everyday person, mites are an insect infestation that seems really serious at first.
But rest assured it is easier to deal with than people make it sound. Having mites isn’t as bad as having bed bugs or something like that. They might not even be as bad as having fleas.
And while there are a few select breeds of them that will bite humans. The majority of them don’t bother humans. But that doesn’t mean you don’t need to address them right away. Just because they don’t bother you doesn’t mean they don’t bother your pet and cause them an extreme amount of discomfort.

So Know You Know Mitess Are Arthropods
What Do You Do With That Information?
What mites are, in a practical sense, tiny little creatures about the length of a single millimeter long. And they will get on your rdog and burrow into your dog's skin. And this is obviously quite irritating to your dog. But it’s hard to stop a mite infestation from ever happening because they are quite contagious among dogs and can pass from one to the other with great ease.
This means that if one of your dogs has mites, all the other ones probably do too. It also means you open your dog up to potential infestations like mites when you take them to dog parks or they interact with strange dogs. So be sure to always give them a once over for insects when you get home from social outings with your dog.
There are three common types of mites that infect dogs. These are called ear mites, Demodex mites, and Sarcoptes mites. How can you tell them apart? Well:
- Demodex mites will result in hair loss on your dog where the infestation is taking place
- Sarcoptes mites are one of the kinds of mites that can be passed to humans, so always keep an eye on your dog for potential infestations because it can indicate a pest that could be passed to you or your family.
Keeping your pet healthy and happy will keep your family happy and healthy.

How to Get Rid of Mites on Your Dog
What Do You Do If Your Dog Has Mites? Start with Anti-Parasitic Wash and a Call to the Vet
This is the unfortunate thing about a mite infestation. With fleas and ticks you can get rid of the problem yourself. And while it’s highly advised you take your dog to the vet for fleas and ticks to make sure they didn’t catch an illness, it’s not a prerequisite to even identifying the problem.
With mites, since they are so tiny, it’s gonna be almost impossible for you to correctly identify a mite infestation on your own, and even if you do, you aren’t gonna have the medicine to treat it right on hand. If you see any of these symptoms, there is a good chance your dog might be suffering form mites and you should take them to the vet for further identification:
- Visibly irritated skin
- Red or inflamed skin
- Constant or aggressive biting and scratching
- Crusty patches on your dogs skin
- Dandruff
- Hair Loss, either in patches or all over your dog’s skin
- Signs of illness or infection
If you are lucky you might catch a mite infestation early, before they’ve had a chance to hide under the skin and you’ll be able to identify them with your eyes by pulling your dog's hair apart down near the skin and looking. If you ever notice your dog giving themselves an unusual scratch it’s a good time to just pull their hair back and take a peak. This is especially true if they have been outdoors or around other dogs recently. You’d much rather catch it early when you can identify it and save yourself on the expensive vet bills.
That being said, most mite infestations can be treated with a simple wash you get at a poet store or supermarket. It’s an antiparasitic wash that will kill the mites and relieve your dog from the irritation the infestation was causing them. Even if you have identified the mites yourself early on and given your dog the wash, be sure to check with your vet to make sure the wash is appropriate and safe.
They may also think your dog might need some blood tests done if they show signs of illness and fatigue. Like any blood feeding insect, mites can transmit diseases and illnesses to your dog, so keep that in mind any time you are dealing with a new pest.

There you have it, a pretty simple guide on how to identify if your dog has mites, and what to do about once you have identified mites as the root of the problem. Obviously no infestation is ever a good thing. For you or your pet, but mites are actually a little bit easier to deal with than something like fleas, so it could be worse. Just follow the steps in this guide and be sure to consult with your veterinarian and you’ll be able to get rid of your dog’s mites in no time.