So you’re here to learn how to quickly heal your dog’s wound. Well let me start this article by saying that this is not a guide on how to treat serious flesh wounds that your dog might sustain for any variety of reasons. This is a guide for scrapes, abrasions, and minor cuts that your dog might suffer from. If the wound looks serious, you should always get the advice of a trained veterinary professional. That being said, if the wound isn’t serious, take a look at the article below to find out how you can help your dog heal their wound in no time.

Step One: Clean The Wound
Preventing Infection Will Help Your Dogs Wound Heal quickly
In order to allow your dog’s wound to heal fast, it is going to have to heal healthily. The healing process is just all around more efficient when the process is allowed to be conducted free from interference. That means that if your dog’s wound is trying to heal, but it becomes infected by a disease or bacteria, it is going to slow the healing process down significantly.
As such, any time you notice that your dog has a wound, you will want to clean it with an antiseptic or antibacterial spray that is specifically designed to be safe to use on pets. That or rely on something like apple cider vinegar that can be used to naturally and safely clean your dog’s wound.
If you do this the wound will be able to begin closing free debris or bacteria. If you don’t remove the debris or bacteria then the dog’s skin can heal over top of it, trapping the foreign substance under the skin and throwing the entire healing process out of whack which will substantially slow your progress.

Step Two: Bandage the Wound
A Band Aid Helps The Dog’s Wound Heal Faster
Once you have the wound clean and free from any sort of contaminant you will want to go about bandaging the wound. It’s even a good idea to get some sort of ointment or antibacterial creme (that is meant to be used on pets) to help nourish the skin with what it needs to speed up the healing process.
The bandage speeds up the healing process for a couple of reasons. First of all, it keeps any future debris or bacteria from irritating the wound that you just so purposely cleaned. This means that step one wasn’t all for no reason. Additionally the bandage will keep the dog from being able to introduce new debris otr bacteria into the wound.
It’s inevitable that your dog is going to bite or scratch at their wound. It’s just something that dogs do. But since their mouths aren’t clean in any sense of the word, when they bite they run they risk exposing the wound to untold numbers of bacteria and germs that can lead to infection and significantly delay the healing process.
The same is true for scratching or itching at the wound. The bandage keeps any debris or germs that your dog has picked up on their feet from getting under your dog’s skin and causing significant problems for the healing process.

Step Three: Check the Wound and Apply Clean Bandages
Clean Bandages Keep The Wound Clean And Healing quickly
As the days go by, you will want to check on the wound and make sure that it is healing properly. It is also a good idea to apply new antibacterial cream or healing agents as well as clean bandages to the wound frequently. This will help keep the wound free from infection, but it will also make sure the skin is being provided with the tools it needs during the healing process. By supplying your dog with what it needs to build new skin tissue these ointments can significantly speed up the healing process.
The worst thing you can do is take all the time to clean your dog’s wound and apply bandages to then just let the bandage sit there while the wound is healing. Your dog is for sure going to try to mess and chew on the bandage so you will want to put fresh bandages over the wound as the old ones will get exposed to all the germs and bacteria that are in your dog's mouth.
If your dog won’t stop biting and messing with the bandage, it’s not a bad idea to put a cone on them. A cone is a good way to prevent them from messing with the wound while it heals in a way that is painless for them. Even if it is a little uncomfortable.

There you go, that’s all the steps you need to take in order to ensure that your dog’s wound heals as fast as possible. Remember the most important thing when it comes to making sure the wound heals quickly is to prevent any sort of infection from taking hold in the wound. So be sure to thoroughly clean it and bandage it to keep it from debris and pathogens. If you do this the wound will be able to heal in a protected environment that isn’t slowed, downed or delayed. The body can just focus on healing the wound. Instead of trying to heal the wound and fight infection at the same time. Since the dog can focus all its energy on just healing the wound, the process takes place much more quickly.