The Ultimate Guide To Taking Your Pet To The Vet

a woman wearing a facemark holds a puppy

Getting a new pet is so exciting, and it’s easy to get swept up in the cute face and adorable traits you’ve noticed about your pet. However, we can’t let that get in the way of remembering the responsibility that comes with adopting someone new into the family. Part of that responsibility is taking your pet to the vet. For those who’ve never taken a pet to the vet before, it’s helpful to know a few basics that will make the visit more comfortable for you and your pet. 

As well as going to the vet, part of your responsibility involves dealing with small injuries that happen at home. Fauna Care healing sprays are perfect for dealing with small cuts and burns. In this article, we’ll cover:

  • How to prepare for the vet for the first time
  • How to reduce stress for your pet

Visiting the Vet for the First Time 

The first visit to the vet will be unlike all other visits to come. It establishes a relationship between you, your pet, and the veterinarian, in order to ensure the health and well-being of the pet. So before even going on your first visit, it helps to know what you should come prepared with and what questions and concerns you may need to bring up. 

Visit the Clinic Before Your First Appointment

Deciding on the clinic that’s best for you isn’t simply about the convenience of location. You should visit several clinics near you before making an appointment at one of them to make sure you feel comfortable. Every clinic is different, with different staff, procedures, and environments. Talk to the receptionist and note how friendly they are, how rushed you feel, and other details. You will be relying on your vet to give your pet the best of care, so you want to find the clinic that you believe will give respectful and productive treatment when you and your pet visit next. 

What to Bring to the First Visit

 Besides your pet, what else will you need to bring on your first visit to the vet? You’ll need to bring all paperwork of relevance that you have, such as medical records and shot records. Give these to your vet so they may include them into your pet’s file for future reference. Come prepared to talk about the pet’s health history. 

What to Expect For Procedure

For a first visit, you can expect the vet to start by gauging the overall health of your pet. This will be accomplished by weighing them, listening to their heart and lungs, and taking its temperature. The vet may also examine the pet’s feces, as this can show if they have roundworm. 

Small puppy having its lungs listened to by a vet
For a first appointment, you can expect your dog or cat to go through some standard check-ups, including getting their heart and lungs listened to. 

Ask Questions

If you have any questions about your pet’s health and safety, you should bring up all questions and concerns during the first appointment. This can include questions about how to administer medicine, spraying and neutering, or other health concerns you have. Bringing these questions up early on allows you to be comfortable at home knowing you’re caring for your pet the right way, and allows the vet to know of any concerns ahead of time. Make sure at the end to also ask about how frequently you should make future appointments. You should also make a follow-up appointment for any vaccines or check-ups that may be necessary. 

Less Stress For Your Pet

We’ve all heard the stories of pets that are terrified about going to the vet. Going to the vet causes a huge stress for them, as well as for the owners that bring them in. It doesn’t have to be like this. There are steps pet owners can take to reduce stress for their pet once it’s time to get in the car and head to the vet. The first part of this article should help with this, as choosing a veterinary that serves a favorable environment and treats your pet gently solves part of the problem. But there’s more you can do to reduce the stress even further.

Prepare Pet For Travel and Handling 

Lots of cats don’t see their carriers until it's vet day. Therefore, when they see it it causes stress. You can remedy this by leaving the carrier out in the house so it can serve as a safe space for your cat. The car ride can be another problem, as some pets have car fears. You can familiarize your pet and make them more comfortable with short car rides that have fun destinations. 

A white cat inside a carrier
Familiarize your cat with it’s carrier so that it’s not a hassle to get them into the carrier when it’s time to go to the vet.

Your pet will be more comfortable with a vet examining them if they are used to having contact with their owner. The ears, paws, and tail especially can be sensitive spots for pets, and carefully handling them can make a pet enjoy, or at least tolerate, being handled. If you know your pet to be anxious, tell your vet ahead of time so they can take extra precautions to further stress. 

Keep Your Pet Secure

During a vet visit, your dog should be on a leash and your cat should be in a carrier. Even if you know your pet to be friendly, they may act differently in the vet’s office. Throughout the vet visit, you should give your pet some space. When in the waiting room, keep a distance between your dog and other equally nervous dogs. Put yourself between your dog and other dogs. For cats, you can keep your cat carrier in a quiet spot. This way, you and the other pets at the vet are more secure and have less cause for stress. 

Going to the vet, especially for the first time, can be stressful. Hopefully knowing what to expect and trying these strategies to diminish stress can make the trip less of a chore. Being prepared by knowing your vet and what to bring makes the responsibility much lighter. All that’s left is to actually bring the pet to the vet, which is hopefully made easier with these tips. Once the vet trip is over, you can look forward to taking your pet back home.

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