Fun and spooky Halloween celebrations should not be dampened by a black cat that crosses your path, or any pet cat that you have in your home for that matter. But you want to make sure your cat is happy while trick-or-treaters are coming to your doorstep and your house is full of scary decorations. In this article, you’ll find tips and tricks for making sure your cat doesn’t fall on the wrong end of a Halloween trick. Read on to learn about:
- How to celebrate Halloween safely with your cat including,
- Food and decorations to keep them away from
- Costume safety
- The importance of having a first aid kit handy in case of bumps and bruises if they get spooked

Food and decorations to keep your cat away from during the Halloween season
You may want to stock up on candy for your family, but you want to make sure that your cat isn’t in the line of toxic treats and decorations
Halloween candy should be off limits to your cat. Chocolate is not only toxic to dogs as is more commonly known, but is also especially toxic to cats, so make sure they don’t get into the chocolate, even if it is your favorite treat. Staying on the safe side and keeping the treat bowl on a high shelf that is out of reach to your cat and also storing the candy that you or your kids gather during the Halloween festivities is your best bet. Stick to giving your feline friend cat treats and catnip if you want them to join in on the Halloween festivities. If you think your cat has ingested something poisonous, contact the Animal Control Center at 888-426-4435.
Decorations are another one of the best things about Halloween, second only to the candy of course. But you don’t want your cat finding itself in a sticky situation where it injures itself or gets into a mess. So make sure you are keeping jack-o-lanterns out of the way and not letting your cat get into them. Additionally, make sure you are steering your cat clear of any fire hazards or wires that are connecting decorations. Jack-o-lanterns are fun to carve and look at at a distance, but they can be a fire hazard if your cat knocks them down. Using a battery operated candle is a good solution. Even so, make sure that your cat doesn’t eat edible decorations such as that tasty pumpkin because they could cause stomach problems. Corn is another decoration that could seem tempting but problematic for your cat. Either steer clear of these decorations, or put them in locations that are not accessible to your cat.

Costume safety for cats
It may not be such a good idea to dress up your cat, as cute as it may seem
While costumes are fun for people and one of the most important parts of Halloween, your cat may not be so enthusiastic about the idea. If anything, stick to a festive collar for your cat. If you are so set on the idea of dressing up your cat, make sure the costume doesn’t restrict its breathing, senses, or movement in any way.
Also, make sure you are sensitive to your cat’s reaction to you dressed up. Don’t wave scary, unusual items in front of your cat and be prepared for a reaction from your cat because you don’t look the way you usually do.

The importance of having a first aid kit at the ready
In case your cat gets spooked and gets any bumps or bruises, having a first aid kit handy is important
In case your cat does come across any tricks during the Halloween season, bumps and bruises may occur. If that is the case, make sure you have a first aid kit fully stocked so you can take care of your cat. This can include a number of items, and the first aid kit can be used year round. But especially on this tricky holiday, it is smart to keep it handy and have it at the ready.
In addition to having a fully stocked first aid kit, prepare your cat for the big day by having them stay inside the house if they are an indoor-outdoor cat for about a week in advance, to get them ready to stay inside for the actual night of trick-or-treating. Not only will this get them used to staying indoors, but it will also make sure that any preliminary Halloween celebrations do not harm your cat.
Keeping a number of things in mind, from food and decorations to keep away from your cat, to costume safety and the importance of having a first aid kit, will help your family celebrate Halloween while keeping your cat safe. Enjoy the day and the season, but don’t forget about the safety of your feline friend!