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What is Necrotic Tissue and How Do You Know if Your Dog Has it?

Dog with a red leash running on the grass

We all love our dogs so much, they are our most trusted companions, so it can be very scary when they get injured. Our canine friends are some of the most loving and important creatures in our lives and we all want to do whatever we can to help them. If your dog is healing from a particularly bad or painful wound and it seems to be taking longer than normal for them to recover, then they may be dealing with necrotic tissue. 

If you think that this is something your dog could be afflicted by then you can find lots of helpful information in this blog post that will help you to take the necessary steps to treat their necrotic tissue. If you think your pup’s injury is severe you should take them to a veterinarian to assess the situation. Even though we want to do what is best for our dogs, sometimes at home care is not the best route to treat your dog’s injury. 

You can find the following information on treating necrotic wounds in your dog in this blog post:

  • What is necrotic tissue and what are the first steps that you can take at home if your dog has a wound
  • When to take your dog to the vet/surgical methods for necrotic tissue removal
  • How should you continue to care for your pets' wounds after a trip to the vet?
Big white dog laying down in front of a cobblestone wall
We never want to see our pets hurting, our canine companions are such a source of love and joy in our lives, you want to be able to do everything possible to keep them healthy!

What is necrotic tissue and what are the first steps that you can take at home if your dog has a wound?

Necrotic tissue is dead tissue. If your dog is suffering from a particularly bad wound then they may have necrotic tissue. Necrotic tissue impairs your dog's natural healing process and needs to be removed in order for them to make a full recovery. There are two types of necrotic tissue, eschar and slough. Eschar will usually present as leathery and of a darker color while slough will present as yellow green or brown and will be moist and looser on your pets skin. 

If your dog appears to have necrotic tissue you should take them to a veterinarian as soon as possible to get a professional opinion on treating the wound. If necrotic tissue is not removed (or not properly removed) your dog's wound can become infected as the healing process will be slowed down or halted entirely by the dead tissue. 

If you are unsure whether your dog has necrotic tissue there are some ways that you can begin with at home care before taking them for an expensive visit to the vet. If your dog has an open wound you will want to clean around the area to make sure that no debris or dirt is getting in the wound which could lead to infection. Warm tap water is usually a good way to clean your dog's wound, you don’t want to use any excessive soaps or shampoos as this could also irritate the wound. 

Do not use rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to clean your dog's wound either. Try not to let your dog lick, bite, or scratch their wound either. If you don’t have a cone for your dog then consider using a t-shirt or some other item of clothing to loosely cover their wound so that they cannot irritate it further. 

A puppy with a yellow bow sitting in a cage with someone petting them through it
If your pup has an injury that is not healing at the pace a wound would usually heal for them then consider keeping these diagnosis and treatment steps in mind when addressing the problem.

When to take your dog to the vet/surgical methods for necrotic tissue removal

If your dog has a wound that has left them with a large amount of dead tissue then they will need to go to the vet to have it removed. Sometimes necrotic tissue will fall off on its own through the natural healing process that your pup goes through but if the wound is extensive enough your dog may need surgery to remove the dead tissue. If you are able to tell that your dog’s wound has formed necrotic tissue and it does not fall off on its own, then the next step is to take them to the vet where they will likely have surgery to remove the tissue. This process usually consists of the veterinarian cutting away the necrotic tissue with a scalpel so that the healing process can continue without being impeded by the dead tissue. A veterinarian will not just start cutting away but will take their time to fully examine the area around the wound to make sure that they are only cutting away necrotic tissue and not cutting into any healthy skin. 

two dogs laying on a blanket one is resting its head on the other
You can be a great caretaker for your pet at home but sometimes they really do need to see a vet, if you think your dog has necrotic tissue then you should consider taking them to see a veterinarian.

How should you continue to care for your pets' wounds after a trip to the vet?

Taking your dog to the vet can be an overwhelming process. It is scary to watch our beloved pets feel anxious and see them in pain, not to mention that these visits can be very expensive too. It is a good idea to bring some paper and pen or your phone to write notes down if the vet has follow up instructions for when you take your pet home. If your dog has a large wound then it is likely that they will be given medications that you will have to administer to them. It is also likely that you will have to continue to make sure that the area of your pet’s wound is kept clean after bringing them home from the vet. There are several common antibiotics that dogs will be given when healing from a large wound that your veterinarian may give your dog. 

Managing your pets health can be incredibly stressful. But in those stressful times Fauna Care can offer you and your pup so many great resources for information and products to help you on the path to healing.

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