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Why You Should Use Silver Spray Instead Of Silver Sulfadiazine

three fluffy dogs sitting together outside

If you are looking for a silver spray, or typically use silver sulfadiazine (SSD) to treat your animals wounds, you should know that Fauna Care silver spray is a cheaper, more effective, and most importantly, safer way to dress your horse’s or small pet’s wounds. 

silver spray vs silver sulfadiazine for wound care infographic chart

After reading, you’ll know about our:

  • Active ingredients
  • Purposes
  • Application methods
  • Silver concentration
  • Possible side effects
  • Silver Delivery mechanism
  • Container sizes, prices, and quantities

Active Ingredients

What makes up our silver spray formula?

Fauna Care silver spray’s formula is a combination of ingredients that help your animal heal. It is composed of 25 ppm (parts-per-million) of Silver, 10% Microfine Zinc Oxide, and 20% Dimethicone. SSD’s only active ingredient is 1% silver sulfadiazine.

gray cat in silver gift bag
Fauna Care’s Silver Spray formula mixes silver and zinc to aid healing

If my animal gets injured, I’m more comfortable knowing that there are several good ingredients working together to make my pet heal faster. What do these ingredients do?


What does silver spray do for my animal?

Fauna Care silver spray includes a number of benefits, while SSD is merely an antibacterial and nothing more. Fauna Care silver spray is also promotes through other ingredients like vitamins A&D, and lanolin. Lanolin, also called wool grease, is a natural ingredient secreted out of the sebaceous glands of wool-bearing animals like sheep. It protects the sheep’s skin from the environment, and is often used in cosmetics.

cute silver gray kitten
Fauna Care’s formula keeps your pet’s skin moisturized

Fauna Care silver spray is a skin protectant through ingredients like petrolatum, zinc oxide, and dimethicone. Petrolatum, or petroleum jelly, has been long known as a cure-all and has numerous skin and hair benefits. Zinc oxide is used in dentistry as a restorative, protects your skin against sunburn, and treats diaper rashes. Dimethicone is a safe silicon used in many cosmetic formulations for skin and hair treatment. Silicone ingredients also act as a lubricant. Your animal will feel quite pampered after one treatment!

Application Methods

What makes Fauna Care silver spray more convenient than sulfadiazine?

With an easy-to-use spray bottle, your animal receives 100% of the possible benefits. Much less is used per application compared to SSD’s rub-in application method. The rubbing in of SSD leaves 20% of the formula on your hands or gloves. What a waste... Fauna Care silver spray is the more economic choice.

silver gray dog on gray floor
Silver sulfadiazine’s silver concentration is too high at 3,000 ppm

Silver Concentration

How much silver is in each formula?

Too much silver in the formula  will be harmful to your animal’s skin. Fauna Care’s formula includes a healthy 25 ppm of silver, while SSD’s silver concentration is greater than 3,000 ppm. Yikes.

Possible Side Effects

How can silver sulfadiazine harm my animal’s skin?

Your animal’s skin is vulnerable as it heals, and SSD is too harsh on this skin. After reading the side effects, decide whether you’d put it on a newborn baby’s skin. If not, then don’t put it on your trusting animal!


Fauna Care Silver Spray

  • None other than those found with Zinc-Oxide based ointments
silver gray horse in mountaini
Fauna Care’s equine line of sprays are affordable and effective

Silver Delivery Mechanism

Which formula is long lasting?

Silver sulfadiazine has a high initial efficacy and a fast deactivation or fall in its effectiveness. In contrast, Fauna Care silver spray has a controlled delivery with sustained activity.

Sizes, Prices and Quantities

The cherry on top is getting more bang for your buck.

  • The common container sizes for SSD are jars of 50 grams, 400 grams, or 1000 grams. That was a big jump. You can also find tubes of 25 or 50 grams. 50 is the most common, and while it seems these options are more numerous, you are actually very limited if you are not using Fauna Care’s spray bottle of 56 grams. Remember that you lose 20% of the substance to your fingers or gloves if you use SSD and its messy rub-in method.
  • The spray bottle is much more efficient. The application quantity per 36 cm2 is around 4 grams for the rub in method, while two sprays of Fauna Care silver spray is around 0.4 grams.
  • This means that the same amount of applications  held in Fauna Care spray bottles (around 100) are the same as are held in a 400 gram jar of SSD.
  • We did the math so you don’t have to! The price per gram for a 50 gram tube of SSD is 7 cents more expensive than for Fauna Care’s 56 gram spray bottle ($0.52 vs. $0.45). This makes the average price per application for SSD from a 50 gram tube $2.11, while Fauna Care’s is just 25 cents.
excited cat with mouth open
Get your warrior back to health fast!

If you considered purchasing SSD but thought silver spray would be the smarter option, you were so right! Now that you know how much better Fauna Care silver spray is for your pet and your pocket, what are you waiting for? Add the spray to your repertoire of pet care. Ensure you have the most pampered of pets!

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