Finding the right kind of treatment plan for when your pet is experiencing an illness can be incredibly overwhelming and stressful. So to start off this blog post we’ll define what exactly a mycotic infection is. Essentially a mycotic infection is when your pet has any disease that is caused by a fungus. There are many scientific causes for your pet inhaling or ingesting something that could cause a fungal infection, and in this article, you can find out what some of the most common ones are. If you think you recognize symptoms in your pet that sound like they indicate a fungal infection, then you should take them to the vet if possible so that they can receive proper treatment.
Here are the things that you can find out about mycotic infections in this article:
- How to recognize a mycotic infection in your pet
- When to seek treatment for your pet’s mycotic infection
- Common mycotic infections and treatments for them

How to recognize a mycotic infection in your pet
A lot of fungal infections/mycotic infections have overlapping symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms of mycotic infections are also pretty easy to diagnose from home. Despite these symptoms being easy to recognize yourself, it is a good idea to seek a professional veterinarian’s opinion on how to treat your pet when they have a fungal infection.
Some of the most common symptoms that come along with a mycotic infection are constant ear infections, runny nose, dry red or itchy nose, dry and itchy skin, red marks or lesions on the skin, fever, and cough.
It can be scary to see our beloved pets in pain so if your pet is experiencing symptoms that indicate a fungal infection (which in most cases are very treatable with a quick visit to the vet) then take them in to see a veterinarian as soon as you can. Taking preventative health measures is half the battle with keeping our pets healthy so the sooner you are able to recognize that something is wrong with your pet and get them in to see a veterinarian the better.

When to seek treatment for a pet’s mycotic infection
It can be troubling trying to decide if it is necessary or worth it to take your pet to see a veterinarian. Visiting the vet’s office can end up being very pricey and sometimes you may not walk away feeling that your pet is healthier and happier than they were before. If you notice your pet acting differently and suspect that they are ill and don’t have a regular vet that you take them to, then start off by doing some research on vets in your area.
It can be hard to find a vet that both meets you and your pets needs and fits within your price range, but finding the right care for your pet is incredibly important. If you are offering your pet enough preventative care then they will not require as many visits to the vet and will be overall happier animals. If your pet is experiencing fever, ear infections, lesions, or other easily identifiable symptoms of a mycotic infection or other serious illness then try to get them to a veterinarian as soon as you can so that their health does not continue to deteriorate. Often dogs contract fungal infections through dirt. One preventative care method to help ensure that your dog is less likely to experience a mycotic infection is to bathe them regularly and with shampoos that help to lessen the chances of a fungal infection.

Common mycotic infections and treatments for them
Some of the most common types of fungal infection canines experience include blastomycosis, ringworm, and yeast infections. There are many more kinds of fungal infections that can occur in canines and you can find a list of them here. In terms of treatments for these more common illnesses, those will be listed below.
Here are some of the symptoms of blastomycosis: fever, coughing, irritated eyes, skin lesions, weight loss. If your dog is experiencing these symptoms take them to the vet and they will be prescribed a specific anti-fungal drug to treat their blastomycosis.
Ringworm is fairly easy to diagnose, it occurs in both people and their pets and is pretty common. If your pet has ringworm they will likely have circular red itchy lesions on their skin. Ringworm can be treated with antifungal ointments or shampoos which you can get from your veterinarian.
Yeast infections are also very common and occur in humans as well as pets. The most common symptoms of a yeast infection include chronic ear infections, dry or flaky skin, itching, musty odor from the area, redness, and thickened areas of skin. Yeast infections are also quite easy to treat and often require a prescribed topical ointment, shampoo, and sometimes an oral pill to give to your pet.
If you think your dog is experiencing a mycotic infection and you have the option or ability to take them to the vet to get checked out then please do so. There are certain issues that can be cared for at home but with others, it really is best to get a professional opinion.