What It Actually Costs To Adopt A Bunny

an adopted bunny sticking out of the breast pocket of a man's flannel shirt

What isn’t there to love about bunnies? They have the cute faces and the soft fur. However, for such small animals, bunnies can be expensive to care for. Before you get ahead of yourself on how much you want to own a rabbit, you should first consider how much they’ll take out of your wallet every month. This article will go over the type of expenses you can expect when owning a rabbit, so you’ll be prepared to decide if you’re ready to own a bunny.

Another thing to prepare for is the health of your bunny. Fauna Care healing sprays are capable of dealing with minor injuries that your pet may endure in the home. This article will cover:

  • Cost of adoption fees
  • Cost of an enclosure
  • Cost of food and enrichment
  • Cost of first aid
  • Cost of toys

Adoption Fees

Of course, the first cost you’ll need to worry about is the initial adoption fees. Fortunately, adoption fees are not usually too steep. Buying a new bunny can cost anywhere from five to $20 dollars. The price depends on the store and breeder of the bunny. If you decide to adopt from a rescue group, your bunny may cost around $25 dollars. A private rescue center may have rabbits that cost around 50 dollars. Do some research on rabbits available near you and compare prices. It’s typically better to adopt than buy at a pet store, as you’re not only saving a rabbit’s life, but you also get certain health benefits for your rabbit, including a free vet checkup. 

A bunny on a blanket
Adoption rates will vary depending on the breed of the rabbit, as well as where you get it from. 


Once you adopt a bunny, you’ll get to bring it home and that’s when you’ll meet your next expense: the enclosure. There are many types of enclosures that you may decide to use for your rabbit. A cage can cost from $50 to $100 dollars. Hutches typically cost more at $150 to $200 dollars. You could also get an exercise pen for around $30 dollars. Every type of enclosure has its unique benefits and drawbacks so it’s helpful to do some research and decide which is best for your home and lifestyle. You may be able to build your own enclosure or have a free range bunny. 

A bunny outside in an enclosure
There are many types of enclosures that depend on the type of home and lifestyle you have.


Your bunny enclosure will have to include a litter that needs to be replaced and cleaned out regularly. An adult rabbit will go through about 13 liters of litter a month. Wood pellets cost around eight dollars for 30 liters. Wood shavings cost 6 dollars every 20 liters. Carefresh is $8 dollars for 12.5 liters. If you buy in bulk and at feed stores, you can get much better prices. 

Food and Enrichment

Rabbits require hay, pellets, and vegetables to keep them fed and happy. Buying hay from the pet store is more expensive than other options as you’ll have to buy more often due to the small quantities they sell. If you’re able to store up to 50 pounds of hay in your home, you should consider buying from a feed store which would be a cheaper option. A bale of hay can cost from $8 to $30 dollars.  

Pellets are usually needed to ensure the rabbit gets all the vitamins and minerals it needs. Costs, of course, will vary. A five pound bag can cost around $10 dollars and last an adult bunny at least three months. Your rabbit should also have vegetables every week. Budgeting for these food requirements is essential for raising a happy and healthy bunny. 

First Aid

Healthcare is also an essential expense to consider. If you want to have your rabbit neutered or spayed, there’s an initial cost of $125 to $250 dollars to the vet. You’ll also need to be ready to pay for annual veterinary exams, which can cost between $35 to $65 dollars. You should have some emergency money saved away in case of an emergency visit to the vet, which will be more expensive than a normal check-up. If your rabbit is ill or has an injury, you should be prepared to spend around $200 dollars on an emergency trip to the vet.  

Toys and Accessories 

Buying toys is not a requirement for your rabbit, but they’ll enjoy the entertainment and you’ll enjoy watching them have so much fun! If you want to save money with toys, there are lots of great ways to make them on your own! Bunnies love toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls, and cardboard boxes. If you have a bit more in your budget, there are toys in pet stores marketed for bunnies, such as tunnels and hidey houses. 

A bunny on a bed next to a stuffed bunny
You can get rabbit toys for free just from toilet and paper towel rolls, or you can buy toys at the pet store.

You’ll also need some basic supplies, starting with a water bowl or bottle that can cost around 10 dollars. A food bowl costs around the same. Nail clippers cost around $6 dollars, and bunny hairbrushes and combs each cost around $4 dollars. 

Protect and Repair Furniture

If you plan to let your rabbit be free range at any point within your home, there is a high chance they’ll nibble on your furniture and cords when you’re not looking. Bunnies will damage remote controls, books, shoes, and anything else. In that case, you’ll need to prepare to replace anything damaged. 

Bunnies aren’t as low maintenance as they may seem. They need a lot of attention and require a large space that needs constant cleaning out. However, if the costs mentioned in this article don't seem too daunting, you may be ready to own your own rabbit! After a lot of research and buying supplies and an enclosure, you can start looking for the bunny that will join your family!

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